Improving your finances
As this is my first blog on personal finance, I wanted to introduce myself and tell a little about what I will be writing about.
I have worked in a bank for almost 17 years now at a pair of small banks. During this time, I have seen and heard about everything you could think of concerning personal finance.
My customers look to me to do a little bit of everything, from helping them balance their checkbook, borrow money for a variety of purposes, save money, invest their money and much more.
Currently, I am a vice president and a branch manager. I have been in this position almost five years after leaving my former job because of a merger that would have meant I would be working at the other bank in town.
I have been lending money to good and not-so good borrowers for over 10 years. As you will see, I am not the best banker as I care about the customers. To be a good banker, I guess you have to be like Mr. Potter in It's a Wonderful Life.
Sorry, I am not that cold. I prefer to help people and sometimes that gets me in trouble as loans go south.
We make about every kind of loan you can imagine. I have loaned customers money for cattle, cars, homes, businesses and too many others to count.
During the next few blogs, I plan to do a series on debt reduction. You might be an expert on debt reduction or a novice, but hopefully you will learn something.
In the future, I will discuss ways to better improve your finances and hopefully point you in the right direction.
But first, as I mentioned previously, will be a series on debt and getting debt free.
These are some of the items I will concentrate on as we go along in the series:
Setting your goals; Determining where you currently are with your debt; A proper budget; Good debt vs. bad debt; Getting your plan together; Implementing your plan.
I know, some of this isn't the most exciting reading available out in cyberspace. But hopefully you can learn something that will prove helpful to you, your family, relatives, co-worker or friends.
I have worked in a bank for almost 17 years now at a pair of small banks. During this time, I have seen and heard about everything you could think of concerning personal finance.
My customers look to me to do a little bit of everything, from helping them balance their checkbook, borrow money for a variety of purposes, save money, invest their money and much more.
Currently, I am a vice president and a branch manager. I have been in this position almost five years after leaving my former job because of a merger that would have meant I would be working at the other bank in town.
I have been lending money to good and not-so good borrowers for over 10 years. As you will see, I am not the best banker as I care about the customers. To be a good banker, I guess you have to be like Mr. Potter in It's a Wonderful Life.
Sorry, I am not that cold. I prefer to help people and sometimes that gets me in trouble as loans go south.
We make about every kind of loan you can imagine. I have loaned customers money for cattle, cars, homes, businesses and too many others to count.
During the next few blogs, I plan to do a series on debt reduction. You might be an expert on debt reduction or a novice, but hopefully you will learn something.
In the future, I will discuss ways to better improve your finances and hopefully point you in the right direction.
But first, as I mentioned previously, will be a series on debt and getting debt free.
These are some of the items I will concentrate on as we go along in the series:
Setting your goals; Determining where you currently are with your debt; A proper budget; Good debt vs. bad debt; Getting your plan together; Implementing your plan.
I know, some of this isn't the most exciting reading available out in cyberspace. But hopefully you can learn something that will prove helpful to you, your family, relatives, co-worker or friends.
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